Monday, July 25, 2011

Media Blames Steroids For Norway Killings

Now I think we all know that steroids are not the real reason for the killings by  Anders Behring Breivik in Norway. Once again the media fails to get to the real cause of this delusional psycho paths murderous ways. They would rather be lazy and just use the typical excuse for these horrendous murders. Anders Behring Breivik, claimed to be using steroids, so that must be the reason for the murders, according to mass media.

In his manifesto he admits to using steroids (specifically winstrol), here is an excerpt from his delusional rants:

  "So what do I do when I’m not working? I’m in the middle of another steroid cycle at the moment, training hard to exceed my 92 kg record from July. I’m currently at 90 kg and hope to reach at least 95 kg. Perhaps ill even reach 100 kg before I end the cycle in 4 week’s time!:-) I have a more or less perfect body at the moment and I’m as happy as I have ever been. My morale is at an all time high and I’m generally happy with how things are progressing. I may create an ideological Knights Templar Youtube movie this winter. I have some time to invest while I wait for my chemicals to arrive. My sister in Los Angeles invited me to spend Christmas with her, Kevin andmy niece Kaia and nephew Tyler. I’m tempted to visit her for the fourth time but I don’t know if my budget will allow it. My sister supports the fundamental principles of the cause but she couldn’t care less about the struggle and politics in general. They are both career cynicisms and only really care about feeding their own egos. I understand that mentality though as I’ve been there myself. Still, such apathy is the root cause of both US and especially Western Europe’s problems".
In the early days of his manifesto, Anders Behring Breivik, makes reference to possible martyrdom. In my opinion, he was completely nuts as far back as 2002, probably even farther back than that. This excerpt is dated from 2002 to 2006 in his manifesto:


 "I am required to build a capital base in order to fund the creation of the compendium. I don’t know if I will ever proceed with a martyrdom operation at this point as it simply seems too radical".

Dated Autumn – 2009 – Birthday party, he speaks of going to Budapest for 5 days of hard partying. So along with his lunatic writings, it seems as though our crazy friend is also consuming mass amounts of alcohol. Now does the media blame alcohol and his hard partying on these senseless killings? Nope, it doesn't seem so:
Autumn – 2009 – Birthday party

 "My best friend, Peters, 30th birthday. We are going to Budapest to party hard for 5 days. This is my second trip to Hungary. I really love that country and the people. Clubs in Buda are top notch. Excellent elektronika scene, among the best in the world. Hungarian girls are hot as hell, too bad I have to avoid relationships for the good of my mission. Doesn’t hurt having fun though:D I don’t think I’ve consumed this much alcohol for many years, totally awesome. My best friends, Martin, Axel, Marius and Peter went down and hooked up with another band of Norwegians we have known for some years. One of Martins best friends are Jon-Niclas, really cool guy. He’s a rather well known Norwegian comedian, together with his partner and friend Anders, and a few others. We had a lot of fun down there, the ten of us. Most of us know each other from Nissen High School in Oslo".

Now I am not claiming that alcohol had anything to do with his lunacy either. What I am trying t show here is the media hears STEROIDS, jumps all over it and suddenly STEROIDS are the root cause to these killings. This happens because of the hype surrounding steroids, the lack of education, and the laziness of the press. The manifesto is fairly long, and in my opinion it is far too long for a blog. I will leave a link to the manifesto for those of you who are interested in reading the whole thing at the bottom of this rant.

In his final writings our psychotic friend speaks of drinking wine, and dabbling in whores. He is storing three bottles of Château Kirwan 1979 (French red wine).

 "I decided to bring one to enjoy with my extended family at our annual Christmas party in December. I brought the other flask to Marius` party a few days later and shared it with my friends. It was an absolutely exquisite experience that will not be forgotten. My thought was to save the last flask for my last martyrdom celebration and enjoy it with the two high class model whores I intend to rent prior to the mission".

To the families of the innocence lost in Norway, know that our thoughts and prayers are with you ~ NML 

Manifesto: Anders Behring Breivik 

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