Sunday, September 15, 2013

Asia Pharma Targeted by Obama

President Obama is now targeting Asia Pharma distributor as KingPin, under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Act.

I started writing about this subject a while back, and ended up putting it off due to time constraints. As I was looking through the blog today I figured I better finish the article as to remind people of the possible consequences. The scary thing is, the US is classifying steroid dealers like the violent drug cartels importing the most dangerous of drugs. This is not new breaking news. Caveat Emptor ~ Buyer Beware

Mihael Karner owner and operator of Asia Pharma in the eyes of the US government is now as dangerous as violent Columbian and Mexican drug cartels. Steroids have now basically been classified as much a threat as Cocaine, Heroin, and Meth.

This means that the US can now seize Karners properties and assets under US jurisdiction. What this also means is any Americans, or US companies who conduct business with Asia Pharma or any other companies Karner owns are also subject to seizures and sanctions.

Karner has sold steroids world wide for over a decade. He has shell companies in tax heavens to protect his millions in profits. Karner, his wife and his brother were indicted in Massachusetts  federal court in 2010 on three counts of money laundering, conspiracy, and distributing and importing steroids. He and his wife were detained in Austria in December of 2010, made bail in April of 2012 and fled to his Native Slovenia while fighting extradition. Slovenia currently has no extradition treaty with the US.

The next month, he was declared a fugitive by the U.S. Justice Department, and by August, Austria issued arrest warrants for them both. Treasury’s spokesman said that though his trafficking organization has been disrupted, Karner continues to operate from Slovenia. The steroids are made in India and Greece, the spokesman said, and they’re shipped to customers in Eastern Europe and the U.S. Hundreds of websites advertising the steroids are managed in Malaysia under his umbrella company, which is called Asia Pharma. "Dear Mr. Chairman: (Madam Chairman:) (Dear Representative:) (Dear Senator:) (Dear Mr. Vice Chairman:) This report to the Congress, under section 804(a) of the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, 21 U.S.C. 1903(b)(1) (the "Kingpin Act"), transmits my designations of the following six foreign individuals and groups as appropriate for sanctions under the Kingpin Act and reports my direction of sanctions against them under the Act: Mihael Karner (Slovenia) Haji Khotwal Noorzai (Afghanistan) Luis Fernando Sanchez Arellano (Mexico) Los Caballeros Templarios (Mexico) Los UrabeƱos (Colombia) Los Cachiros (Honduras) Sincerely, BARACK OBAMA"

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Careful what You Put in Your body 'It Could Be From the Gutter'

I find this article interesting, and it makes me wonder just how many AAS coming out of China are manufactured in the same way. Scary to think that one may be injecting oils that may have been in a McDonalds fryer in down town Beijing just moments before the AAS oils were manufactured. Read this article, it will really make you think about what you could be putting into your body. - NML

Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturers caught using 'gutter oil' to make antibiotics

Sunday, September 09, 2012 by: J. D. Heyes

As China continues to rise as the new Asian powerhouse, there has been a steady stream of reports which have detailed the country's staggering lack of standards when it comes to producing manufactured goods, so it was only mildly shocking to learn that authorities there are now looking at charges that some of the country's pharmaceutical companies are using disgusting "gutter oil" to make antibiotics.

For the uninformed (which included me before I came across this story), gutter oil is essentially reprocessed kitchen waste dredged from restaurant drains.

While you're getting a mental picture, read on: Chinese authorities are responding to reports that drug makers may have used it to manufacture antibiotics instead of the more expensive (and, most likely, much cleaner) soybean oil.

What's more, the gutter oil has apparently been at the heart of several food-safety scandals in China in recent months, the BBC reported, quoting Chinese officials - though in typical fashion, the government was secretive, saying it would release its findings soon without providing additional details.

Disgusting gutter oil prevalent throughout Chinese manufacturing

Disgust factor aside, it wasn't clear whether the gutter-oiled antibiotics posed any risk to public health. But nonetheless, the incident highlights how thoroughly Beijing, while remaining socialistic and authoritarian, has nonetheless embraced quasi-capitalist principles of cutting corners to control costs and boost profits.

The British news giant reported that repeated food-contamination scandals, with gutter oilbeing only the most recent of them, have roiled China's massive population and have caused no small amount of alarm and mistrust.

In April, for instance, state-run media outlets reported on how authorities had begun cracking down on underground workshops that utilized decomposing animal fat and organs to produce more of the gutteroil, which apparently can be "manufactured" from a number of equally disgusting sources.

Police then said most of that oil had been sold to oil manufacturers for food production, no less, and for making hotspot soup - a local cuisine - in restaurants.

A year ago, meanwhile, Chinese police arrested 32 people in connection with an operation to prevent the sale of gutter oil as cooking oil. In that case, more than 100 tons of oil was produced by six underground factories; authorities seized the massive amount in raids that stretched across 14 provinces.

And in 2008, at least six infants died and a staggering 300,000 more were made ill after drinking baby formula that had been tainted with the chemical melamine.

'Made in China' is a detriment here in the U.S. as well

An earlier report by NaturalNews documented how the food chain "Whole Foods," which built its reputation in large part on selling organic food, provided details about how many of that company's signature products came not from U.S. farms but from China.

At more than 175 stores nationwide, Whole Foods promotes a homegrown concept, but many of the supermarket chain's goods are marked "Product of China."

What's wrong with that? Well; for one, importing food from China is anathema to Whole Foods' concept of "locally grown" and "organic." For another, China's agricultural development regulations are nowhere near as stringent as they are in the U.S.

And finally, despite Whole Foods' assurances to the contrary, how is a consumer - or the company, for that matter - to know whether all of its Chinese-grown products are indeed pesticide-free?

It should be noted that food sold in the U.S. has to first be approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture before it can display the "organic" label, by regulation. That not only ensures it's safe but that it was grown in the manner advertised.